INICIÉ reinvents the initiatory journey,
the experience of a new reality
Are you truly embodying who you are?
• Do you feel bigger than what you show?
• Do you feel that your potential is not being exploited?
• Would you like to be able to align your core values with your professional life?
• Do you feel like you are missing out on your life?
• Do you feel a void that paralyzes you?
• Do you think it’s impossible to earn a living with passion?
• Do you feel misunderstood in your questions?
• Are you lost in the immensity of possibilities?
• Would you like a clear vision of the direction to take in your life?
• Are you constantly experiencing the same failures and blockages?
What if you had the power to create your life?
Finding your professional path in alignment with your deep values. Succeeding through passion should be obvious.
Find all your potentials to experience the best version of yourself. Let the magic enter your life.
An initiatory journey that leads to the creation of the project at the heart of your reason for being. Training and in-depth support for transformation and realization
“No book will tell you how to find your purpose,
you must experience your creative power"